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Agricultural and Food Innovative Research Infrastucture of Debrecen University

Description of the RI

The system has a uniquely complex function, which is based on the recycling of materials, following the model of a circular, bio-based economy in accordance with the principles of sustainable agriculture, increasing the added value of the products, services and implementing smart solutions. The research infrastructure (RI) system can perform the examination and analysis of the members of the entire food chain system - from raw materials to products - in a changing biotic and abiotic environment, which further increases the multidisciplinary role of the University of Debrecen in the Tisza international river basin. Its activities cover the entire vertical of precision farming: arable and horticultural crop production, animal husbandry, fish biology, soil and water management systems, food technology, digitalization and robotics. The RI allows us to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative correlations of the growing medium and the plant condition with the factors of climate change and specific treatments (biostimulator, biostimulator, pesticide, etc.) in different agrotechnological systems under controlled, half-controlled and field environment. As a living laboratory at different levels of organization, describing and evaluating a complex change in soil/plant/microorganism, it provides a comprehensive picture of the responses. Part of the RI animal analytical, proteomic and nutrigenomic infrastructure connects the food/nutrient chain, genomic expression, adaptive stress response in a translational model integrating several species. The fish biology laboratory provides a state-of-the-art educational and research background, primarily in the field of intensive fish farming and the development of aquaponic technologies. Its food technology system creates target group-oriented food development along functional, technological innovations. RI's laboratory equipment provides a complex system of material, analytical, microbiological, and molecular biology testing for both the environment and raw materials and products.

Activities and Services

Establish of controlled, semi-controlled, field experiments, expert analysis of results. Testing and modernization of cultivation technology elements. Complex environmental investigations: soil, water, weather and plant water balance research instruments, groundwater monitoring system, dual polar high-resolution precipitation radar, precision irrigation technology research infrastructure. Soil biology complex studies. Plant condition diagnostics: enzymes, stress markers, measurement of bioactive substances, molecular genetic tests. Anatomical, morphophysiological, stress physiological, pathophysiological studies, biotechnological developments. Animal biology activities: chemical, immuno-cytochemical, microbial, genomic and proteomic studies of animal cells, cell cultures, metabolites, animal body and products. Husbandry and feeding technology, reproductive biology, animal health and ethology testing. Raw material and product quality tests (feed, food, soil): organoleptic, physical, analytical chemical, molecular and microbiological. Food technology: meat and milk processing, quality control dairy laboratory, mill, bakery and confectionery, dry pasta, vegetable and fruit processing units. Development of functional foods and food technologies and knowledge transfer.

Health and Food


University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agriculture
Food Science and Environmental Management


Fully operational

  • Institutes for Agricultural Research and Educational Farm
  • Hungarian Soil Protection Laboratory Network
  • Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ATOMKI)


With RIs
  • The Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN)
  • Global Water Partnership Central Eastern Europe
  • Agricolus
  • Food-Nutrition-Health Research Infrastructure

Institutional partners
  • Universite de Neuchatel
  • Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
  • Wageningen University and Research
  • BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
  • CSIR National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST)

Stündl László, Dean

Veres Szilvia, Vice-Dean of Scientific affairs

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