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Széchenyi University Vehicle Industry Research Center

Description of the RI

The Vehicle Industry Research Center is an independent competence center of the Széchenyi István University of Győr. Research areas cover mainly professional areas such as electromobility, self-driving vehicle control systems integrated into transport infrastructure, telecommunications, machine learning, environmental sensing, robotics, vehicle simulation, intelligent transport systems. Within the Vehicle Industry Research Center, five professional competence centers work together to achieve common research goals. In addition to research and development, the center places an outstanding emphasis on nurturing student talent, thus ensuring the continuity of researchers. As research mentors, our researchers support young talent at various national and international competitions and events.

Activities and Services

Our main research areas are the development and education issues of the autonomous transport systems and the understanding of the collaboration between people and vehicles. We expect fully automated transportation to be safe and suitable, so we are already preparing for the new technology of future by the researching of the autonomous vehicles. By the developments, we gain unique knowledge of informatics, mechatronics, robotics and artificial intelligence. We are working that the transport of future be uncompromising, safe and sustainable.The whole world is keenly interested in the alternative propulsion electric vehicles, so the e-Mobility Center of the Vehicle Industry Research Center of Széchenyi István University develop electric and other alternative propulsion systems. The Mobile-Robotics Center’s researchers develop industrial, autonomous transportation, and cooperative systems. We apply the most recent scientific and technical results of our research field. We focus on developing algorithms and cyber-physical systems that are further usable in industrial digitalization, robotics, and autonomous vehicle control. Our primary research areas are IoT system integration, computer vision, machine-learning-based environment detection methods, and AI-based vehicle control. Furthermore, we also develop ground and aerial robotic and autonomous vehicle models for specific tasks.The coronavirus pandemic is a current example, that our lives, economy and health is really vulnerable, but natural or industrial disasters cause a similar situation. Moreover, the severity of the impacts of disasters is enhanced by the global-interconnection of the world. Artificial Intelligence systems, tools, algorithms are required to management and avoidment of the disasters. The research and development of artificial intelligence is a task and the solution will change our future and the Artificial Intelligence Center is working on that. The JKK-ZalaZONE Vehicle Industry Test Center includes activities related to research and development of autonomous vehicles in Zalaegerszeg. Our research engineers also have the opportunity to put the complex systems they design into practice, as the focus of the ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground is to provide a competitive environment for testing, validation and modern research and development.

Physical Sciences and Engineering


Széchenyi István University of Győr Vehicle Industry Research Center


Fully operational, 2012-

  • Institute for Computer science and Control
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Eötvös Loránd Research Network
  • ZalaZONE Automotive Proving Ground


with RIs
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Motor Transport Institute (ITS)
Institutional partners
  • Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)
  • Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
  • Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TU Cluj-Napoca)
  • Brno University of Technology (TU Brno)
  • Transilvania Iniversity of Brasov (UniTBv)

Ferenc Szauter, Head of the Vehicle Industry Research Center,

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